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Help Me Create More Content: https://www.paypal.com/donate/....?hosted_button_id=VV . . This is a powerful song, as the title and lyrics suggest, it is rich with figurative meaning and poetry. Hope you enjoy this song with the English translations. Also, an opportunity from us to say, Happy Mothers day Malawi. Footage from the Church of Later Day Saints: https://youtu.be/Qq7NFiZL6ak?l....ist=PL4A73DDEE675FBC #Malawi #happymothersdaymalawi VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO STREAM AND DOWNLOAD MORE ART https://www.artistresponse.com/ Subtitles by Powertry Media - https://powertry.org/ 🔴URGENT: YouTube won’t show you my NEW videos UNLESS you 🔔 TURN ON MY NOTIFICATIONS 🔔 Get EXCLUSIVE Videos and Updates here: https://powertry.org/ DONT FORGET TO 🔴SUBSCRIBE and DESCRIBE to your friends the fun you found here LETS CHAT ON SOCIAL MEDIA ▶INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/artistresponse ▶FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/artistresponse ▶TWITTER: https://twitter.com/artresponsive #NiyotheGreatestStudios #NiyotheGreatest
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Antoian Kordiyal
United States
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